Monthly Archives: May 2016

Spray Painted Counter Tops

I like the look of this build…but…not so sure I would do this in a real kitchen.  The other paints you get for “kitchen counters” are expensive for a reason.  Like food safe.  But for a camper, or a generic … Continue reading

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Using an ESP8266 for home automation

This seems to be a common trend to use the ESP8266’s to control devices.  Its cheap ($6 in materials).  But….security, nil, easy to upgrade…errrr…

Posted in Arduino, Cheap | Comments Off on Using an ESP8266 for home automation

Either I am really good and mataining stuff…Or I have some big bills coming

Consumer reports lised out the average life for appliances these days.  Its a bit depressing to see how short some items should live.  And a bit nerve wracking cause I have several appliances that are twice as old as the … Continue reading

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Make a tin can forge

It actually doesn’t see too intense as I thought it would be.  Why do this?  Well to melt metal down into something you can use of course.

Posted in Cheap, Tools | Comments Off on Make a tin can forge

The best circular saw?

I have been checking out circular saws lately.  My old craftsman has seen better days, and doesn’t have alot of extras I want in a saw.  This review is interesting that it recommends the Skillsaw SP67WM-22 ($100 saw, cheaper than … Continue reading

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Interesting cloud tools for linux

Mostly different ways to store stuff in the cloud.  Some you can run yourself at home. Oh the “plug” is here

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Convert a cheap digital caliper into one that connects to a PC

As the author points out, the cable costs more than the caliper, so he 3D printed out a connector to use.

Posted in Cheap, Tools | Comments Off on Convert a cheap digital caliper into one that connects to a PC

Drawbot + laser Etcher….errr…I see some holes in the walls

The authors took a wall drawbot concept and added a laser etcher to it.  Neat…one way to put art on your wall.

Posted in Cheap, CNC/3D-printing | Comments Off on Drawbot + laser Etcher….errr…I see some holes in the walls

Solenoids to controll a MIDI Percussion band

Pretty neat, the author uses a bunch of solenoids to tap on percussion istruments.  I noticed that he used bolts for the “push” and made holes on both ends of the solinoid so the bolt would push as well.  Also … Continue reading

Posted in Cheap, Misc-Life, Teaching and Learning | Comments Off on Solenoids to controll a MIDI Percussion band

Well ah…thats a different use for your old cantenna

Did you build a Cantenna in the late 2000’s?  Well here is a purpose for it with a Raspberry Pi, basically you are building a directional WiFi Jammer.  The author’s goal was to jam drones, but this will work for … Continue reading

Posted in Cheap, Linux, Misc-Life, RaspberryPi, Security | Comments Off on Well ah…thats a different use for your old cantenna