Interesting cheap (ish) smartwatch

The Nuyu looks like an interesting watch.  Its only $50 and is basically a fitness tracker.  But what got my attention was it has an O-LED display and a touch sensor that displays the TIME with the fitness info.  Oh and supposedly it will last 4 months on one charge.  Why is this important.  Most smartwatches will do all this, but are battery hogs (you get a day you are lucky) and cost a fortune.  The cheaper fitness bands, some at $100, don’t display the time, but last a long time.  (Me, if I wear a watch, it has to display time).  I have been trying out a used Pepple watch for a week and I am happy with it, but its used, and a bit bulkier than I would like.  This maybe a good alternative to a used Pepple.  Not so sure how well it would play with other android apps thought.  Oh the other down side, it doesn’t use standard wristwatch bands.

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