Category Archives: My Projects

Self hosting bitwarden

Bitwarden is a good password manager, and its free (to a degree). But if you don’t trust them, you can host your own bitwarden server on a RPi.

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Nice router lift

Nice built that uses a standard trim router. Been looking at building my own but trim routers (used and cheap) are hard to find. Full size ones are easier to find.

Posted in Misc-Life, My Projects, Tinkering, Tools, woodworking | Comments Off on Nice router lift

Nice write up on how to create an opensource python package

Could be adapted for closed source too.

Posted in My Projects, Software Development | Comments Off on Nice write up on how to create an opensource python package

Nice Solder fume extractor

Yes I know there are multiple ones out there, but this one the author uses an ATiny as a PWM controller for the fan so each hit of the switch changes its speed.

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Updated sand art display

The author did some updates to his original sand art display bot.

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Nice CNC build for cutting out of foam

gives me some ideas for converting old 3D printers that have seen better days. Something to think about anyways.

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Simple wind power

I got a kick out of this, basically the author just took a treadmill motor and blades from a fan and made simple wind power device.

Posted in My Projects, Wind | Comments Off on Simple wind power

Leaf blower dust collector

Ok this is a clever build, using many cheap and easy to get parts to make a dust collector and seems to work out.

Posted in Cheap, Misc-Life, My Projects, Tools, woodworking | Comments Off on Leaf blower dust collector

Cool knitting machine

It only makes a french braid. But still pretty clever build.

Posted in Arduino, Cheap, CNC/3D-printing, Misc-Life, My Projects, robots | Comments Off on Cool knitting machine

making ice candle holders

Interesting build (for outdoors). looks pretty but Ithink I would only do this for special winter outdoor occations

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