Category Archives: robots

Nice dual axis robot for camera/laser pointer

Nice build that you can 3D print out for a camera/laser pointer/etc robot build with an arduino controller. Could also be used for a water gun.

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3D printed planetary gear boxes

Clever build as the author designed them to be stackable, so you can go to 1:4, to 1:16, to 1:64. The STL files are not hosted on a standard 3D site, which is a bit odd.

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Interesting wheel design to convert to something to use for climbing.

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Turning a bottle into filament

This was one of the earlier (last year) designs for turning a bottle into filament. Just got around to reading it now.

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3D printed servo

Interesting build for a geared DC motor to be used as a even more geared servo.

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Cool knitting machine

It only makes a french braid. But still pretty clever build.

Posted in Arduino, Cheap, CNC/3D-printing, Misc-Life, My Projects, robots | Comments Off on Cool knitting machine

Ant weight robot class

Nice article about building lightweight robots for battles

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Interesting farm platform (acorn)

The author is pretty colorful. Its using an ardiuno/RPi combo for controlling it, right now its just the platform and its goal is to automate farming. I think this looks interesting, but has a ways to go.

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Cool CVT wheel design

Interesting build.

Posted in CNC/3D-printing, Misc-Life, robots | Comments Off on Cool CVT wheel design

A robot shovel

OK everything in this is in german, but the pictures and video give you the basic jist, its a CNC’ed out parts to make basically a giant scooper for a hand for a robot arm.

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