Category Archives: Software Development

Nice write up on how to create an opensource python package

Could be adapted for closed source too.

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Interfacing RPi GPIO remotely

The author basically made a simple rest interface for the GPIO pins of an Raspberry Pi with an installer. This way you can interface it remotely.

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Python logzero So if you need a simple logging library for python, logzero seems to be the one to use. I know Python does have a native logging utility, but it can be a bit tricky to setup.

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3 sites to Download Virtual Disk Images

I typically download the ISO and make my own image. But this could be a quicker way to get started with an image. I have heard of in the past, but the other two I have not tried out … Continue reading

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Mediapipe, opensource project to read hands

Its for hand tracking and translating sign language. Seems like an interesting project written in C++

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Interesting tool to help improve your resume

This looks interesting, its a tool that will look at your resume and help clean it up so the bot filters for resumes may not just toss it out right away. CV Compiler is a robot that fixes your … Continue reading

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Interesting firmware IETF’s drafts in the works

I know there are several groups that have working standards for managing and updating software on IoT devices, this is the first I have seen from a standards body that isn’t totally controlled by one company.  Thought the list of … Continue reading

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Even Google is in IoT Cloud

Sounds like the API is now open beta.  Looks interesting, basically its a way for IoT to feed data back to a central system that can be used to process it. Google's Cloud IoT Core is now generally available

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Cool web based debugger for python

I have to say this is pretty neat project.  It looks like its cross compiler based too so should run on ARM or intel systems (its called birdseye). Stepping up your Python Printf Debugging Game

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Creating UML from hand drawings and text

There is a bunch of websites these days that you can create sequence diagrams from text, or in some cases, hand drawings. Here are some: — has a bunch of UML diagram tools – slick webui

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