Category Archives: Software Development

Interesting article on C

Its interesting cause as the author points out,  Its the basis for many other languages.  Also the one part I preach to recruiters alot is if you know C, you can learn most of the other languages.  But going from … Continue reading

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Want to learn about AI?

Check out (classes thru Coursera).  Looks pretty intense class too.

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So, Python, Java and …C, most popular programming languages

I got a kick out of this, Dev’s top chouces are Python, C, and Java.  Employers, its Java, C, Python.  Being a C/C++ and Python dev myself, I guess I am in a good place.

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Pyrasite, inject your code into running python processes

This just…is so bad.  It looks like if you have the same priv’s and the exe’s, you can use this to inject your own code into the running python code. pyrasite – Inject Code Into Running Python Processes

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Microsoft Joining the rest with Linux and IoT

Microsoft has apparently released code for Linux that will allow for IoT devices to contact Azure based systems.

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Interesting opensource test tool

Flashback by Linkedin looks like an interesting test tool you can use to test web services that was opensourced…gee a month ago…Looks like its all in java too. LinkedIn open sources Flashback, a tool for mocking internet traffic

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Hacking a pogoplug

Interesting hack, converting a popoplug to use for other purposes.  I have a couple of these things kicking around (replaced with other systems).  SO this maybe a good way to repurpose them. PogoPlug Hacking: A Step by Step Guide to … Continue reading

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How to enable developer mode in Roku

I have a few of these boxes, so this could be useful in the future.  

Posted in Cheap, Software Development | 1 Comment

Grumpy converts Python into Go

Interesting tool.  I have mixed results with tools that convert from one language to another.

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HashID, interesting python tool to ID hashes

This is an interesting tool that you can use to figure what time of hashes are used.  This can come in handing not just with hacking/pen testing, but with development as well as you may deal with different things that … Continue reading

Posted in Security, Software Development | 2 Comments