Monthly Archives: January 2014

Vaccum Pump Muffler

The author was building a vaccum pump gripper and found it was a bit noisy, so he designed and printing out a muffler for it (looks like a spark arrest muffler, but a bit more fancy).  The goal was to … Continue reading

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I wonder what kind of Jobs CEO of Xerox is Pledging

Ursula Burns, CEO of Xerox, has joined Obama’s pledge for Jobs in the USA.  But….no details on how may jobs and what kind of jobs (Xerox seems to always be looking for call center people). It would be nice if … Continue reading

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Oregon gives grant to help laid off Xerox workers

The state of Oregon is giving out cash to folks Xerox laid off when they closed the call centers in Oregon.  What I can’t figure out is what type of “grant” is this?  Is it like unemployment, or training, or … Continue reading

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Xerox Taking over Purdue’s Print group

Interesting article on how Xerox will be managing Purdue University’s printer group.  They kept the existing employees and are somehow going to reduce the print costs.  Hummm.  Either they group is going to take on outside work, or there will … Continue reading

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Governor of Nevada Mad at Xerox

It seems the governor of Nevada is upset with Xerox services.  Apparently they have had so many problems that the Governor went to the CEO of Xerox, Ursula Burns, to correct them.  Nothing happened so this must be a last … Continue reading

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Xerox Employees, look at your W-2

It seems the payroll company Xerox uses made a big boo-boo and mailed out everyones W-2 without sealing the envelope.  Which could lead to identity theft without anyone knowing it.  

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Dash app for Android, know what your car is doing

Dash looks like an interesting app to get information from you car.  And it gets the info over OBD reader (with bluetooth) for only $10.  I think when I bought just a reader it ran me $50.  This looks very … Continue reading

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The FilaWinder

And yes, yes I do have my own filament maker.  And yes its a pain to have to wind it up on a spool, so this is a project I could see myself making someday.  Not paying the $160 for … Continue reading

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Amazon Launches New Reporting Tools For EC2

This looks interesting and worth checking out.  I know one of the reasons New Relic exists is because AWS reporting tools are…well…when I last checked they suck.

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Yes, a slingshot snowball launcher

How I love the slingshot channel.  This time the guy customizes a slingshot for snowballs.

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